You can request refund if you are not satisfied within first 3 tasks/tickets or first 7 days, whichever comes first. And we will gladly do it.
To prevent abuse of our services refund is applicable to first time clients only and for one server only.
e.g. You request refund saying: "It was urgent but you took 9 hours to respond and solve it" is completely INVALID. Because we don't provide urgent/emergency service. It's very clearly mentioned in capital bold red letter on our site. Ticket resolution can take upto 24 hours.
This is not a free service. So signup just for one server and test it for atlest one month. And if you are satisfied. Then and only then signup for your other servers.
In certain instances at our sole discretion, we reserve the right to delete, remove and undo any work that was performed on your server's by us during the period for which refund is requested/given.