Save Time And Money

Server Management is a very time consuming task. If you manage your server properly i.e. you check your server daily for updates, spamming, disk usage, monitor server load, suspicious activity etc. and take action whenever something goes wrong. It will take atleast 27+ hours of your time every month. It's equivalent to 3+ working days every month . And it's just for the basis tasks. And if you have other tasks then the time spent maintaining your server will be even higher.

Also it's not just about the time. It will also drain of your energy. Suppose something goes wrong with your server and you spent a whole day fixing it. Then you will not have any energy to do you other tasks. If your business is making $25 an hour. And you decide to spend whole day to fix server problem instead of giving someone $15 to fix it is complete was of your time and money.

We can take care of all those server management tasks for you. And you can focus on other tasks like growing your business. Saving so much time, money and energy just for $10-$20 per month is a no-brainer.

We will fix your server problems, apply updates, monitor your server, scan your server etc. And we will send you the report every week. So you will know that all tasks were performed and your server is in good condition.

Also here at ServerManagementPlus, we analyze all your support tickets and take note of it. So whenever our monitoring system reports problem. We will take exact same action automatically and inform you.

So with time you will not have to open any support ticket for these tasks at all. Because we will already be taking care of these problems in the background. Most of our clients rarely open support ticket after the first month.

The only cases where you need to open support ticket are out of the ordinary cases e.g. installing something new, changing some server configuration that your new script/app requires, doing major breaking upgrade like upgrading MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0 etc.

The problem may be same but our clients handle things differently. Below are some of the cases.

Someone is spamming on the server

Possible actions

  • Suspend and delete all spam messages from queue (default)
  • OR Suspend the email address (if supported)
  • OR Suspend the whole account
  • OR Just inform. Don't take any action
Server load spike e.g. more than 20

Possible actions

  • Restart services to bring down the load (default)
  • OR Suspend account causing load
  • OR Block Network/IP's causing high load
  • OR Just inform. Don't take any action
Disk is getting full

Possible actions

  • Truncate all the log files (default)
  • OR Delete old backups
  • OR Provide accounts with high disk usage
  • OR Just inform. Don't take any action
Server went down

Possible actions

  • Reboot with provided instructions
  • OR Just inform. Don't take any action (default if no instructions provided)
Malware files are detected in site

Possible actions

  • Delete the malware files (default)
  • OR Quarantine the malware files
  • OR Suspend the infected account
  • OR Just inform. Don't take any action

And lot more ...

With each support ticket you open, our understating of your requirements increases and you will reach zero support tickets per month.